Thursday, April 25, 2013

booming business in myanamar


  there  are  -60-  millions   people      in  Myanmar  .10  percent  of   people   can   use   mobile   .  mobile   is   big   market   .if    you  can  produce     and  sell    mobile    here.   you  are  sure  to  be   rich 


every  household   have     television   but  they  don't    have   computer   at   home  . private   company   use  computer  and  internet  .  but   most   of    government   department     do   not    have    or   install    computer   at  office  .net  working  ,  virus   protection , installation   window  , programming  ,  software  writing.  producing   computer  hardware       will  be   popular 


govt     is    allowing     private  insurance   company  .if  private  insurance   company   come   out  .  the  person  who  start  to  work  ,  will  get     opportunity   

stock  exchange

stock  exchange  law    come     out  ,  but    there are     a   few     number  of   public  company   who can  sell   their   share  or  stock 


govt  can   produce      over   3000  mega  watt  --few   people  can  use 
electricity    .  if  they   get   electricity   ,they   will   use   electrical   appliance

Thursday, April 18, 2013

urban pull and rural push

lack of  schools,  hospital   absences of   electricity,  communication .  good   transportation,    and  well paid  jobs   cause    rural   push   so  people  go  to  city  to  search   new   pasture presence    of    schools,  hospital  electricity,  communication .  good   transportation,   and well paid  jobs   offer urban  pull

Monday, April 8, 2013


  JADE    land   ,  or   PHAR-KHANT   is   located    in  the  heart  of  kachin  state .long   ago  ,  jade  diggers     had  to  pay  money  to ====,  one of  the  national  race  force  controlled  that  land     ,  if   you   enter   their   controlled      area   .  you  have  to   pay   entrance     fees  which  people  call   MAW-  NIN    tickets .  there  are   -5-  ways  to  go  to  jade  land  .  first      you  can     go  there   from     HO  PIN . - . .MOE  NYIN  -  MOE  KAUNG    STATION   .  THESE   THERE  STATIONS  A RE   Situated     ON  Mandalay -MYIT-KYI  NAR   RAIL  WAYS   ROAD .  if    u   go  from     HO PIN  STATION  ,  U  MUST   CROSS    IN-DAW  GYI    lake  ,might  be  tourist  attraction    in the  future . if   u   go   from  MOE  NYIN  - MOE  KAUNG    STATION  .  you  must   cross   CAR-MINE     town  ship  .  after  that      you  have  to   take   by  mot0 r  cycle   to  reach   jade  land    or   PHAR-  KHANT .  SECOND  ,  YOU  CAN       go  to   jade  land     from  MON-YWA    ,  located  in  sagaing    division .  you   can  go  to  MON-YWA    from  Mandalay    by  bus ==  you   must  go  to HAWn-  PAR    village   by   boat    from  MON-YWA    , ,A  river  ,  by  the  name  of    U-  RU     flows     from  north   to  south  an d     flows  into    CHIN-DWIN   river   .  u   have  to  climb  up   this   river   by  boat ,  you  will  reach    jade  land  .  third  way   ,  you    can    go  to  KHAN  -TEE   TOWN  SHIP   ,  located   at  the  bank  of   CHIN-DWIN   river by   plane   or   by   bus   from    MANDALAY.  you   have   to  go  jade  land    by  motor  cycle    from  KHAN  -TEE   TOWN  SHIP   a lot    of  high   school  students     are    going  three      to    dig   jade    for   money ,some  some   of  high  school  students     will  go  to  the  forest   to  dig    gold  under   earth ,  some   will cut  timber   to  get  money they  are  solving    jobless  problem  themselves   without   depending    on  crony   or   authority   how   do   you  feel   if   your    relatives   are  working      among   the  sound   of   bullets   or  weapons this  jade  land    is   attracting  to  the  people     or  for  the  two  party

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Apr. 7th, 2013 at 7:27 PM

Mandalay is located in central Myanmar. you can go to MYIT-KYI-NA)KA CHIN STATE OR MU- SEL ( shan state) from Mandalay -one of the company built motor road     Mandalay to MU-SEL - SHAN STATE bot system . Chinese want to sell product to Myanmar -- Chinese usually use this mu-SEL TO MANDALAY ROAD- TO MUSEL RAIL WA GOVT IS Planning to build LASHO YS ROAD , on the others hand ,

., govt is building NA-BAR- (located Mandalay to myit -kyi- nar rail ways road) to KA-THAR= BAN -MAW ( LOCATED ON THE EAST BANK OF AYE-YAR-WADY RIVER )--LWEL JEL IS IN BAN MAW TOWNSHIP - Chinese n Myanmar merchants will use this rail way or motor road to carry chines product -- they will send their product to SIT-TWE ( ra khaing state ) via Mandalay. govt is planning to build rail way or motor road from Mandalay to SIT-TWE ( ra khaing state )this is entrance for exporting their product

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Myanmar post and tele communication

Myanmar post and tele communication announce that they will sell wcdma sim card for -1500- kyat ( two dollars ) on 26 April 2013 . it is mile stone of Myanmar telecommunication govt used to sell a sim card for 15,00.00.00 kyats ( two thousand dollars ) and they reduced to 50,00,00 kyats ( 700 dollars ) Myanmar people are happy now , they will be standing in line to buy wcdma sim card like Myanmar pagoda festival